These are the cutest and easiest things to make for any kind of decoration!! I am making these for some added decoration for my youngest daughter's birthday party. All I did was take two 6" squares of two different kinds of paper. (You can either cut them down yourself or use the Cricut and cut a 6" square. I found it easier to cut the 12 x 12 scrapbook paper down myself. The solid card stock paper was easier to cut through my Cricut using George cartridge.) If you use double sided paper, then you only need one sheet. I used papers that coordinated with the invitations that I made. I made diagonal lines on one sheet. The lines met in the center of the paper. From the center, I measured out 1" on each line and made a mark. I then cut along the lines until I reached the mark. You leave one inch from the center uncut. Take and using alternating slits, I folded down to the center of the pinwheel. Once all alternating ends are brought to the center, I took a thumb tack and pushed it through the center. I added a pencil to the back so that it had a stick and the eraser helped the pinwheel to stay together. Here is the link that I found the idea and how to make it from.
The possibilities with the different types of papers are endless. I alternated the two kinds of solid card stock. I'm thinking I need to make some for the 4th of July!!
Have a great afternoon!!